
The Meat Feast of St Larry


Meat Feast of St. Larry
St. Lawrence is the patron saint of cooks and comedians. When the Roman Emperor Valerian order Lawrence to turn over all of the church's treasure, he showed up at the courthouse with all the poor the church was caring for. This joke got him roasted alive. But he wasn't finished, quipping "Turn me over, I'm well done on this side!" while being martyred. To honor St. Larry and live as Christians ourselves, on August 7th we are going to host a service project (a free back-to-school clothing swap), barbecue (smoked meat by Jacob Terry and Scott Gentry), and a creative modern retelling of the Lawrence story.

Below is the schedule and volunteer needs for August 6th and 7th. Click here to sign up!

  1. Friday, August 6th from 6-9: 3-5 Volunteers needed at Church to sort through clothing and donations.

  2. Saturday, August 7th

    1. from 8-11: 3 Volunteers needed to work the clothing swap.

    2. from 11-2: 3 more volunteers to work the clothing swap.

    3. from 2-4: 3 Volunteers to clean up

    4. 4-6: Meat Feast at Hull Park, BYOB and a Side to Share!